Mots clés

For low-tech and solidarity metropolises

Contrary to the idea of an infinite technological progress, able to overcome all challenges we are facing, the concept of low-tech questions our needs and investigates how to meet them in the most simple, agile, frugal, accessible, and appropriable way possible. This approach, which resonates with the founding principles of social economy, invites us to invent new ways of living, moving, accessing everyday goods and services, producing, and working, in order to progress towards more frugality and the empowerment of the inhabitants.

Carried out by the Labo de l’ESS in partnership with 6 of France’s largest urban areas – Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Paris, Poitiers, and Strasbourg – this study explains and provides tools for metropolises to transition towards low-tech, with the active contribution of social economy’s local initiatives.


The study is supported by the State Secretariat for Social and Solidarity Economy and Associative Life, Banque des Territoires - Caisse des Dépôts, the city of Bordeaux, Bordeaux Métropole, the city of Lille, the European Metropolis of Lille, the Metropolis of Lyon, the city of Paris, Grand Poitiers Urban Community, the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg.

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Pour des métropoles low-tech et solidaires
Compte rendu d'événements
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